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BONNET, Amédée. Traité des sections tendineuses et musculaires. 1841.

Photo BONNET, Amédée. 

BONNET, Amédée. 

Traité des sections tendineuses et musculaires. 

Paris, Bailliere, 1841.

8vo (213x129 mm), (4)-lxiv-664 pages and 16 plates.  binding : Contemporary half calf. Library stamps. 

Photo BONNET, Amédée. 

One of the most important book written by Amédée Bonnet (1809-1858, surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu de Lyon, member of the Academy of Medicine and one of the pioneers of orthopaedic surgery). This book had an important impact as soon as it was published, because it deals with new methods of traetments fo strabismus, myopia, stuttering, knee deformities, stiff neck, fractures, etc.

Price : 300 €

Photo BONNET, Amédée. 
Photo BONNET, Amédée. 
Photo BONNET, Amédée. 
Photo BONNET, Amédée. 
Photo BONNET, Amédée. 
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